
Rooms, suites & apartments

The priva­tely run hotel enchants its inter­na­tional clientele with excep­tional hospi­ta­lity and 35 quiet rooms, each of them indi­vi­du­ally and char­mingly designed.

Thank good­ness there are still hotels like this!


In family hands since the 18th century

Hotel Goldener Anker

The Hotel Anker was and remains to this day a lively hotel with a heart.
In the listed Baroque ensemble the hotel belongs to, you can sense the authen­ti­city of a long-estab­lished and tradi­tional house in each and every room.

Rooms & suites
Rooms & suites
Holiday apart­ments
Holiday apart­ments

Every year, once again, it is well worth “drop­ping anchor” as a guest at the “Anker”.

Konstanze Vernon
Tagungen und Meetings

Events & conferences


The Hotel Goldener Anker Bayreuth offers a variety of confe­rence rooms for offi­cial meetings, conferences and all kinds of informal get-toge­thers. The Goldener Anker’s spacious, ambient atmo­sphere offers a pres­ti­gious setting for your event.

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In family hands since the 18th century

Tradi­tion & Modernity

Tradi­tion is not the preser­ving of ashes, but passing on glowing embers. This motto serves as a guiding prin­ciple for the Graf family, curr­ently in its 13th gene­ra­tion, in running the hotel.

History & the house­hold ghost
History & the house­hold ghost

What a fanta­stic feeling of well-being and indul­gence in your hotel!

Hape Kerke­ling

In family hands since the 18th century


Allow the excel­lent cuisine and fine wines of the Goldener Anker Hotel to tempt you to indulge yourself and linger a little.

Our chef
Our chef

Nost­algic weekend

2 over­night stays
cham­pagne breakfast
4 course menu
and much more besides

à €248

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