Events & Conferences

The Hotel Goldener Anker offers a very special setting for offi­cial meetings, conferences and all kinds of informal get-toge­thers. Thanks to its spacious layout, it offers a unique atmo­sphere, ideal for inspi­ra­tion and commu­ni­ca­tion. The hotel lives and brea­thes tradi­tion. It has been in the hands of the family since its very begin­nings, which lends it its indi­vi­dual and inti­mate flair.


The Hotel Goldener Anker Bayreuth offers a variety of confe­rence rooms for offi­cial meetings, conferences and all kinds of informal get-toge­thers. The Goldener Anker’s spacious, ambient atmo­sphere offers a pres­ti­gious setting for your event.
In order to provide you with trans­pa­rency regar­ding our prices, our team has put toge­ther some confe­rence packages for your orientation.

Your special occasion
Your special occasion

Thank good­ness there are still hotels like this!

Tagungen und Meetings

Confe­rence suites

At the Hotel Goldener Anker you will find an inspi­ring, lively and posi­tive atmo­sphere for your event.

Find out more
Tagungsraum The Green Room

Confe­rence folder

Our confe­rence folder contains a lot of general infor­ma­tion and can provide you with an over­view of what is possible at the Goldener Anker. 

Conference Folder