Confe­rence rooms

Confe­rence rooms

At the Hotel Goldener Anker you will find an inspi­ring, lively and posi­tive atmo­sphere for your event. A foyer leads you into a bright, cosy, French-inspired country kitchen with a gallery. This spacious room is the true heart of the confe­rence area. Your guests are served snacks or meals here during the breaks, and the various confe­rence rooms all lead off from the kitchen.


Fire­side Lounge

The Fire­side Lounge, with its 110 m², is the largest of the Goldener Anker’s confe­rence rooms. It is very versa­tile, and can be used for both formal and informal occa­sions with up to 110 guests. A high­light of the confe­rence area is the fire­place, where an open fire encou­rages inspi­ra­tion and crea­ti­vity, whatever the season. This room opens onto a rooftop-terrace.

Tagungsraum The Green Room

The Green Room

The Green Room is a confe­rence room flooded by natural daylight. The room’s deli­cate pale green colour scheme exudes a plea­sant, relaxed working atmo­sphere. This medium-sized room is 75 m² and suitable for groups of up to 50 people.

Detailansicht The Pink Room

The Pink Room 

The Pink Room is a plea­santly atmo­spheric medium-sized room of 38 m², suitable for up to 16 people. It is flooded with natural daylight and situated in a north-western posi­tion, looking out across the roofs of Bayreuth.

Tagungsraum Tristan

Tristan & Isolde

The two rooms Tristan and Isolde are both the same size (16 m²), and can be used as meeting rooms for small groups of up to 8 people.

Seating plans

For an over­view of what our confe­rence rooms have to offer, you can down­load our seating plan here.

Seating plans