Your special occasion

Events of all kinds and festive occasions

You are plan­ning a festive event? 

Whether private or work-related – the Anker team will take great plea­sure in assis­ting you to plan and host your event.

The Golden Anker Hotel in Bayreuth offers you an excel­lent cuisine, freshly cooked on the premises, and an informal, spacious setting for festi­vi­ties of all kinds.

Your cele­bra­tion in the heart of Margra­vial Bayreuth

Our expe­ri­enced, long-serving employees offer uncom­pli­cated, profes­sional service, ensu­ring that your personal event is a success!
Begin­ning with compre­hen­sive, indi­vi­dual consul­ta­tion, and the plan­ning and prepa­ra­tion of all of the details you desire, and conti­nuing with the actual staging of the event – from start to finish your event is in the trust­worthy and capable hands of the Graf family and their dedi­cated team.

Our full service includes menu and wine sugges­tions, seasonal floral arran­ge­ments to suit the occa­sion, name cards for the tables and much more.

We prepare a trans­pa­rent offer accor­ding to your wishes and budget, making your decision easier, and enab­ling us to carry out your event smoothly and to your abso­lute satisfaction.

Tagungen und Meetings

Seating plans

For an over­view of what our event rooms have to offer, you can down­load our seating plan.

Seating plan
Tagungsraum The Green Room

Confe­rence folder

Our confe­rence folder contains a lot of general infor­ma­tion and can provide you with an over­view of what is possible at the Goldener Anker.

Conference folder

Fanta­stic food and a great atmosphere!

Eva Maria Westbroek