
Our gastro­nomy is charac­te­rized by a strong sense of quality, craft­man­ship and sustainability.

The Goldener Anker’s restau­rant convinces with its crea­tive, comple­tely tradi­tio­nally prepared meals with fresh ingre­di­ents and enti­rely free of conve­ni­ence products. 

Allow the rela­xing atmo­sphere of our restau­rant to convince you.

The restau­rant on the ground floor of the Hotel Goldener Anker in Bayreuth, like the hotel lobby, date back to the year 1927 and have been main­tained in their original style. As such, they form part of the hotel’s impres­sive cultural heritage.

The wood-paneled guest rooms, remi­nis­cent of a Vien­nese coffee­house, are embel­lished with deco­ra­tive details, combi­ning Jugend­stil with Art Deco in their own unique style.

Portrait Küchenchef

Our gastro­nomy is charac­te­rized by a strong aware­ness of quality, craft­sman­ship and sustainability.

Find out more

Great food and a fanta­stic atmosphere!

Eva Maria Westbroek

You only taste what you put in it. You can’t taste what’s left out.

Our menu

Our menu is conti­nu­ally adapted to suit the season. Each and every meal is prepared in our own kitchen using high-quality, fresh ingredients.

Wine list

The local Fran­co­nian wine and other Euro­pean wines form the basis of our wine list. The wines we have selected form a perfect accom­p­animent to the excel­lent meals we serve. Our wine list is conti­nu­ally deve­lo­ping, follo­wing careful and selec­tive testing. 

Opening hours

Our à la carte restau­rant is curr­ently taking a tempo­rary break.